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Problem with PDQ G5S


New member
Jan 12, 2022
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Hello. First time poster, long time reader. I have a PDQ G5S that I've been having an odd problem with for the last few years. In the winter, I get an intermittent fault, characterized as "Pump error drive overload. Entry station closed on pump error 136, 136". This occurs mostly during weeping, but occasionally during washes. Most times the wash is terminated when this occurs, but sometimes the wash will continue. While it does only occur during the winter months, it does not seem to be related to temperature. The error has occurred in the late afternoon when temperatures are well above freezing. Also, it doesn't seem to be related to periods of inactivity. I can have three washes in a row where the first is fine, the second has this error, and the third is fine. If anyone has run into this before, or has any thoughts on what might be causing it, I'd appreciate any suggestions.