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Rowe changers and others

Bubbles Galore

Active member
I have a BC-1400 that I think someone is trying to string. I know that there are not any changers out there that are 100% string proof, but don't they have some things in place to help prevent it from happening? Has anyone come up with their own solution to help combat this? I appreciate any help.

No I don't have cameras, and yes I know I should. :eek:
Converting it to a Mars will not only remove the most troublesome and expensive to repair components, but will stop stringing.
$999, EtowahValleyEquip.com.

Rowe has a conversion as well, but it costs more and I don't think it replaces the CCC.
I have a BC-1400 that I think someone is trying to string. I know that there are not any changers out there that are 100% string proof, but don't they have some things in place to help prevent it from happening? Has anyone come up with their own solution to help combat this? I appreciate any help.

No I don't have cameras, and yes I know I should. :eek:

Are they actually stringing it or are you finding pieces of a bill or something else hung in the validator? I have (2) BC-200 changers that use the same validator as the 1400 that have been in service for 8 yrs and have never been strung. I keep a record of the counter in both changers, and they have always matched up with the bills in the stacker.
I am not a fan of the original rowe validator , but i think it has to stack the bill, before it pays out. The few times someone tried it, i earned $10 both times. I am up to 4 rowe to Mars conversions now am am really happy with them. The etowah also replaces the very heavy duty rowe power supply, and pulls out the escrow buckets so it pays out in real time, like a slot machine. Count your money every day and let us know if you really are being strung.
I just ordered a coin counter so I can keep much more accurate records of what is going on. I like etowah valleys system due to the fact that I can elimenate as much of the Rowe hardware as possible. I will let you guys know what I find.
One thing you can do. The BC-1400 can be programmed to shut down automatically if your predetermined number of any bill denomination is inserted within a predetemined amount of time. For example, my changers will shut down for 15 minutes if someone attempts to change more than two $20 bills within 5 minutes. I give more leeway for
$10s and $5s accordingly. This way, if someone successfully strings one $20, it will shut down when they attempt to string the second and will likely go somewhere else the next time. You set all the parameters to your own situation. There are instructions in the manual or you can call Rowe
To count our quarters we use a Salter 610 coin scale. About $300 and no moving parts. most of my scales are 10yrs old. we leave them on all the time for better accuracy, and no failures yet. The coin counters i had were always having problems
I like coin scales too, but our bank charges a pretty large fee if the bags are off, so we have to use a mechanical counter. For just confirming what goes into the changer, a scale is definitely the way to go.
The escrow buckets are the one thing I like about Rowe over Hamilton, not just because of the security against hopper run-on but for the speed of vend for $5 and $10 bills, but it should be a minimal issue if the EV kit is made properly. Like Hamilton, it should shut down the hopper if the coin sensor doesn't detect a drop within a predetermined time. It would be a good question for Jim at Etowah Valley.

Or did I understand the basis of your question correctly?