Well I am in N.E PA Just bought 1 wash 4 bay SS on May 1. Have no figures to go on, but May was 4550.00 June was 2015.00 (with 21 days of rain) July will be 3000.00. Don't know if we killed the business in June by increasing the price from 1.75 for 4 minutes to 2.00 for 3.50 minutes. Also raised the vacuum prices from .50 for 4 to 1.00 for 3.5. It had NO
vending machines. We put in a 5 slot tree machine,
armor all bottle, armor wipes, Big blue towel, bug and tar wipes 3 weeks ago. Changed the bay lights to Led this past week. The two Vacuums were 30 years old and still averaged 11.50 a day. Just bought two new adams 9100-1 super vac's with dixmore timers and bill acceptor's, which I will install next week to replace the old ones.