Hey all! I took over a renovated 6 bay SS last December so I’m pretty new to the biz but learning how to fix new things every day. The previous owners had pricing set at .50 cents to start and .50 cents/minute. I’m changing prices (expensive area) and I think I’m nailed down on .75 cents/min but not sure if I should leave it at .50 cents to start or raise start price? What is advantage to a start price of $2 or so vs .50 cents? I could see higher start price causing my “cheap” customers to pay a little more but I really don’t have many people paying less than $2.50 per wash anyways. I do have swipers and I’m at 48% cc/52% coins. Card readers are count up with minimum at $2, I want to raise card minimum to $3.50, and max is at $10, should I raise that as well? I’m excited to be a part of the community and appreciate any input!