An analogy to understand the "peaceful" Muslims
It is important to understand and be prepared for the cultural and religious war that has been declared (and is being waged) on us. We ain't seen nuthin' yet. Oh, but we will ... we will.
The uninformed and naive Liberals want to believe that the radical Islamists are but a fringe and try to marginalize the threat to us and the world. They have chosen to buy into this "religion of peace" propaganda and wishful non-thinking. The fact of the matter is, a large majority of Muslims truly believe that world wide "holy war" and wholesale slaughter of infidels is, ultimately, the will of Allah and the way things gotta be.
That is, butchering non-Muslims is unfortunate, regrettable, and oh so terribly unpleasant to contemplate. BUT it's the fault of those darn Christians, Jews, and non-believers who stubbornly refuse to convert to Islam --- so they're "asking for" the harsh treatment the Quran mandates.
Here's an analogy for understanding the "peaceful and reasonable"
majority of Muslims:
A large majority of "civilized" folks find hunting, killing animals, field dressing, and butchering meat for their table too, too unpleasant to do themselves. Most are disgusted at the thought of doing something like that. They just do not have the stomach for it. However, they sure do love their steaks, cheeseburgers and chili dogs. So they "thank God" that there's somebody else out there who will do that "icky" but necessary stuff for them.
So it is with all too many Muslims. They themselves may not have the stomach for beheadings, stoning women to death, suicide bombings, mass murder via anthrax, etcetera, etcetera. BUT somebody has to do that "icky stuff" mandated by the Quaran. And again, I point to credible research/surveys that have demonstrated that a VERY large segment (100's of millions!) of Muslims do not even regret the slaughter of non-believers --- they
explicitly support terrorism to fulfill the will of Allah!
Maybe, just maybe, when naive, ill informed Libs are beheaded they then might get it. Then again, so many have already loss their heads — which can be found stuck up where the sun (and light of truth) don't shine.