Our arch on the M5 is sloppy and has a fair amount of play in it, I was googling laserwash videos and here's one of likely a newer M5 (nice and tight in corners).
What have other owners done to fix up the slop that occurs over time? I look at the parts diagram exploded view and dont really see anything that should be allowing that much movement.
- rubber bumper is in good shape, do others replace it if its not cracked?
- our top swivels never seem to last more than 8000 washes before they also get sloppy (1100psi), anyone have a better brand or a better idea
- anyone have any torque settings for putting the assembly back together?
I read this post http://www.autocareforum.com/showth...-trolley-gear-laser-4000&highlight=loose+arch
but there wasn/t really a resolution to the problem
Our arch on the M5 is sloppy and has a fair amount of play in it, I was googling laserwash videos and here's one of likely a newer M5 (nice and tight in corners).
What have other owners done to fix up the slop that occurs over time? I look at the parts diagram exploded view and dont really see anything that should be allowing that much movement.
- rubber bumper is in good shape, do others replace it if its not cracked?
- our top swivels never seem to last more than 8000 washes before they also get sloppy (1100psi), anyone have a better brand or a better idea
- anyone have any torque settings for putting the assembly back together?
I read this post http://www.autocareforum.com/showth...-trolley-gear-laser-4000&highlight=loose+arch
but there wasn/t really a resolution to the problem