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Aug 30, 2007
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It's been discussed here many times. Check out the links below or use the search feature.


Dec 12, 2007
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Pittsburgh, PA
Process to change charcoal.
1. You will need to measure the size of the charcoal filter tank to figure out how much activated charcoal you will need. Keep in mind it is not filled to the top with charcoal because it needs "head space". Mine was about 16" diameter by 60" high and took 4 cu ft of activated charcoal, which equates to about two 55lb bags. I used a cocunut 12x30 mesh and bought it from Seimens. You will also need about 8 inches of gravel that goes in the bottom of the tank to keep the charcoal away from the PVC inlet that sits at bottom of tank.
2. You take the hose connections off the control unit on top of the tank and take the whole control unit and unscrew from top of tank leaving about a 2-3" hole in top of the tank. There might be a collar or sleeve that reduces the size of the hole for the control unit. Take this out as well to get the hole as big as possible. The PVC pipe will still be there you need to work around it while removing material.
3. Take a shop vac and suck out all the contents of the tank. (Once it was close to being empty I dragged it out to a bay and washed it out.) Dirty job!
4. There will be PVC pipe that runs to the bottom of the tank that the control unit sits on. You cannot pull it out until most of the material is removed from the tank. When filling the tank you will need to put this in before putting gravel and charcoal in. You also want to cover the top of this tube with tape so it does not get material in it while filling.
5. Put enough gravel in tank to cover bottom of pvc tube then start dumping the charcoal in. There is no easy way to do this that I know of I ended up scooping it in with a large coffee mug type scooper. This also a messy job. It's easy to suck in charcoal dust while you're doing it. Wear a respirator.
6. After filling it, put control unit back on and connect hoses. Take the hose that feeds your pre-filter off and start running water through the until it comes out clean. I ran mine for almost 10 minutes to make sure that it all the debris was out. Then take a pool chlorine tester and check water quality (no chlorine). Should be OK then hook hose back up to pre-filter.
I will post more later on the RO membrane change out.