The IMEG tip has a "claimed" more efficient spray pattern over the MEG tips (more evenly distributed).
They both have veins in them.
I used to use the VV tips but switched back to the IMEG tip. The spray patten at low pressure (IMEG ot MEG) is in fact greater at the edges, but on high pressure the IMEG tip is more even across the spray pattern compared to the MEG tip. The IMEG tip also cleans better for my setup compared to the VV tips.
The VV pattern is actually for low pressure applications only as I was told by one of the sales reps from Spray Systems.
The pattern for low pressure using the VV is great, but the high pressure pattern is actually spread out like a diamond with more concentration in the middle of the spray pattern.
The IMEG tip on high pressure is more "knife like" with the spray concentration spread out over the spray pattern.
Basically, when I switched back to the IMEG tip from thew VV tip, I was able to clean the vehicle better when using the high pressure.
Just my 2 cents