“….thoughts on a friction wash?”
Friction will produce greater quality for less money than touch-less.
“Hear mixed reviews on the M22.”
Reviews are mixed because people are different.
Maintenance is maintenance. If site produces 10,000 cars, maintenance expense equals X.
If site produces 30,000 cars, one might expect expense = X times 3.
Also, more expensive machines tend to have more expensive parts.
“Any idea on….wash ability on that machine.”
I have client with free-standing exterior express wash in S.E. Plant is two M18’s side by side with ICE and tire shiners in single 50’ building, no divider wall between units.
Last I heard he can’t wash any more cars. So, quality must be good enough.
“Looking at express options too….Thoughts?”
Problem, 36’ is too short to accommodate express in-bay format or mini-tunnel wash module.
Express in-bay requires 50’ but most OEM’s prefer 60’. Conveyor could work but would require portion of track to extend outwards from building.
Napkin analysis of 18,000 traffic count would be 10,000 cars a year.
More precise estimate would require analysis of about 20 variables plus forecasting model.