This is a great topic with great advice. Of course, sec 179 is the biggest deduction but you have to use it wisely. One other item not mentioned yet, Your income from the car wash is self employment earned income and you must pay self employment tax on that income. If you setup your car wash business and property separately, you may be able to avoid that self employment tax by the car wash business paying rent to the property ownership entity. Rental income is not earned income and not subject to the same tax liabilities. Most deductions depend on your situation and future plans. In some cases you may be better off paying more tax now and saving some deductions for later, especially if you feel like tax rates are going up.
Like these guys say, a good business CPA will know how to tax plan and be worth the cost.
One possible trick to get more mileage, have a dedicated space in your home to serve as a home office. Visit your home office every morning before leaving your home, this could open up your commute to work or to the car wash as deductible expense.