Age old question, Touchless or Soft Touch? I have a single IBA, 4 self serve but no real good way to convert one due to traffic flow as well as my market size would not justify. I have been considering an upgrade in the next 18-24 months from an older touchless. I can see the advantages in the soft touch units, however having no Attendant and living 45 min away I am hesitant for the increase in risk with potential car damage and increase maintenance after the unit has aged (I do everything I can myself). I've looked at the newer touchless units and outside of lights and marketing, the wash performance itself is not drastically better than the current unit. I assume it would be more efficient and a new unit would require less work initially but I'm not sure due to market size I would see enough increase for a Reasonable ROI. City Population is roughly 2,300 with a county population of 18K. Its a vacation type area with a large lake so a lot of my business in both the self serve and automatic is out of town through the summer months.