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True triple foam vs changeover system


Well-known member
We are most likely adding triple foam and was wondering the pros and cons of the two types of systems. The only three tip/hose setups that I see for sale is Etowah Valley and D/H. Although I have not used the true triple foam myself it seems like it would be nicer looking than having it switch colors. I'm guessing it would be restricted to only a wall boom unless there is some type of triple swivel out there.
Yes. I want to know the pros and cons of "three colors at once" vs "one color at a time changeover" systems.
Three times the chemical usage. With alternating colors, the potential is there for the customer to use it longer, to get all the colors.
Not to mention the propritery hose/ gun assembly you have to buy from them directly. I agree it looks great D/H was the first to invent that concept 20+ years ago they where way ahead of everyone. I have only seen etowah valleys system in person.
I wouldn't think it will use three times the chemical, unless it just puts out three times as much product which I doubt.

Other downsides would be having three pumps to maintain vs. one - I realize there are color-changing trifoam systems with three pumps but I've done many of them with just one and the change of color with it going through one pump isn't a problem.
I've done many of them with just one and the change of color with it going through one pump isn't a problem.

That's interesting. Do you put a solenoid valve on the suction side of the pump on each color?
It works the same way, just a different layout. I also programmed the relay so each color overlaps for 10 seconds so it comes out six colors.
I do triple foam splatter guns and triple foam brush. Customers love them both! Oh yeah, I pump out the suds big time! I get tons of comments about soo much soap. Only downfall is occasionally someone complains about hands and clothes getting stained! Ill take that over not enough soap complaints.
Can a three colors at a time gun/hose be put on a wall boom? D/H and Etowah Valley both said it wasn't practical but for different reasons. Does anyone else make one of these type of guns and hose? It seems like a hose could be made by putting three small diameter tubing inside a thin-ish wall hose. It wouldn't be a coily hose but if it's on a boom it wouldn't matter much. Hooking it to the gun might be an issue.
It would probably work with a hollow, open boom that you could thread the hose through, but some booms feed the foam through the square tubing of the arm itself so that wouldn't work.

I don't see any reason you couldn't use a wall boom of some sort since there's always a hose going into the boom.
We ended up buying a used D/H "three at a time" system from a forum member. It needs pumps, gauges, guns, hoses, and going through it to see what else it needs. I see the Etowah Valley gun and hose assembly is $165 each and my distributor is supposed to get us a price on D/H guns/hose for comparison. I did end up using a D/H system after looking around at about 20 "local" car washes. Two of the colors were intermittent and spitting some air and one worked correctly. Seems typical for self serve around here.