I need your help. I have come across a great opportunity to open a ss coinop in Calgary and I have a lot of questions that I need your help with.
It have read two articles discussing the positives about using Tokens. Can anyone please tell me about using tokens? Have you had success with Tokens? Please note that in Canada we use $1 and $2 dollar coins. Who should I have make my Tokens?
This will be a 6 bay wash. What is the best equipment to use for the best price? I have recieved a few quotes regarding equipment installs but I really want the best bang for my buck. I have been quoted a cost average of 22,000 per bay for equipment and install.
What should my time per dollar be? Calgary has a great economy and some of the other SS have times of 164-180 sec per dollar. I will have no competition within a 20 minute drive radius.
How do I prepare myself for the winter? We have snow from Novemeber to March. The great things about Calgary are the chinooks. This is a weather phenomenon that creates a heatwave a few times a winter and everything melts. Car washes are packed when this happens.
Are the small convenience stores that sell basic food, drinks and auto supplies worth the cost?
How many vacuums should I have? What times are appropriate?
Lastly, are Dogs wash areas worth the investment? I was quoted by only one company around 9K.
It have read two articles discussing the positives about using Tokens. Can anyone please tell me about using tokens? Have you had success with Tokens? Please note that in Canada we use $1 and $2 dollar coins. Who should I have make my Tokens?
This will be a 6 bay wash. What is the best equipment to use for the best price? I have recieved a few quotes regarding equipment installs but I really want the best bang for my buck. I have been quoted a cost average of 22,000 per bay for equipment and install.
What should my time per dollar be? Calgary has a great economy and some of the other SS have times of 164-180 sec per dollar. I will have no competition within a 20 minute drive radius.
How do I prepare myself for the winter? We have snow from Novemeber to March. The great things about Calgary are the chinooks. This is a weather phenomenon that creates a heatwave a few times a winter and everything melts. Car washes are packed when this happens.
Are the small convenience stores that sell basic food, drinks and auto supplies worth the cost?
How many vacuums should I have? What times are appropriate?
Lastly, are Dogs wash areas worth the investment? I was quoted by only one company around 9K.