Self-Serve and Automatics
A little while ago I got a call from a TSYS rep who had gotten my number from Hamilton Mfg. I was a little perturbed that Hamilton had given out my information, but, I was going to look into TSYS anyway after reading about them on the forum and just hadn't gotten to it. Well, maybe I should call Hamilton and thank them! The TSYS pitch sounded good like they always do, but unlike other merchants, they actually delivered. My Worldpay statements ranged anywhere from 7.5% to 13% for my busiest wash to my slowest wash respectively, all expenses in. I just printed out my first full month from TSYS and they range from 2.6% to 3.3% all in. Not only are the rates exactly what they said they would be, switching over was a breeze, and their merchant portal is nice. Next month I'll be telling Bluepay to kiss my arse also and switching my self serve over to TSYS.