I.B. Washincars
Car Washer Emeritus
I am one of those operators that never does anything to a vac until it doesn't work. I have never replaced a brush and never clean bags, never. Well, today I had a vac that wouldn't pick up anything. I took the lid off and discovered that one of the three motors wasn't running. I always write the date on the motor when I install one. Usually if I am already into a vac and a motor is over two years old I just replace it while I'm at it. Well, I was looking for the date on these, which wasn't written where I usually write it. Much to my amazement, all three had June '01 written on them. That's when I bought the vacs! They are original and two are still running! This is not a vac on the back forty, behind the dumpster. It is in a very prominent location and is one of the heaviest used at this wash. There's no telling how long they would last if I took care of them.