Have 3 car washes with 22 bays all with vac it up since 2002. Best decision ever! Had all the issues. If the clog is really bad, I would end up using a piece of heavy coat hanger wire along with a small shop vac. Also a flexible claw type tool for retrieving a lost nut or bolt. I also have access to a towable air compressor that can unclog them in a snap, just watch out for projectile
coins When you try then heavy coat hanger, you have to get the wire between some of the
coins first, then the shop vac will work. If not, the
coins are actually stuck together like a jig saw puzzle and the vac will do nothing. One mistake I did was had the
coins fall down through the flexible conduit in the wall at a very shallow angle like the letter U. I redesigned them to fall out of the bottom of the
coin acceptor and now make a fairly hard right hand turn, almost 90 degrees, then immediately start tracking up the wall. This was all done in the wall, not on the outside of course.