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Washworld Razor LP Pump pressure?

I have a Washworld Razor High Velocity. The WW manual says that LP1 and LP2 should be putting out 200 PSIG, but my low pressure pump is only putting out 120 PSIG. I replaced the gauge on the manifold hoping it was faulty, but still read 120 PSIG with a new gauge. I tend to have a slight film residue left on the cars after washing, and I am thinking that it is due to low pressure on the presoak passes. To try and resolve this, I have also added dwell time between LP1 and LP2, and reduced the speed on HP rinse down to -2 @ 1100 PSIG...still have a residue. My local chemical distributor came out to make sure my titrations were correct as well.

What type of pressure do others have on their LP1 and LP2 passes on their Washworld? My pump is a Sta-Rite HP6F3-02NP. Oh, and I have also replaced the regulator and even closed it completely and still can't get above 120#, inlet pressure is ~60#.

I replaced the bypass regulator on the manifold, and went from all the way open, to all the way closed using a wrench, but it didn't affect the pressure gauge on the manifold at all - is this what you are referring to Roz? Is there some sort of adjustment on the booster pump itself?

Also, Roz, you seem to be very well-educated and experienced in this world! Based on having a light filmy residue left over after my washes, do you think that getting LP1 and LP2 up to 200 PSIG from 120 PSIG will help it lift off the dirt layer better and eliminate the residue? Thanks!
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There are two regulators. One for HP and one for LP near the LP solenoids. Make certain you are adjusting the correct one.

I doubt the residue is due to the pressure. Either bad chemicals or you are not rinsing the vehicle correctly (more than likely). You want to use the arch to rinse after the pre soaks. The other nozzles are much less effective getting things off the vehicle than the arch. We only use arch passes for rinsing.
Anytime I see less than 200 psi on lp functions -I go looking for problems

One way that low pressure drops on wash world equipment is when the diaphragms in the dema solenoids crack and let water thru. So you may have 1 or two solenoids letting water thru that should not be
While I have been closed the last couple days - I replaced all of the diaphragms in my solenoids.
Check those
Also make sure your screens are clean on the water line.
If a pump starting to get tired sometimes the screens get plugged with fines from the discs in the pump.

I m going to recheck but I m fairly confident you can get those pumps from any sta rite dealer or from Kleenrite

I ll send you a pic of a bad one here shortly

Thank you for the suggestions! I am confident that I am adjusting the correct regulator, it is the smaller one on the 9-hole manifold fed by the LP pump. The other two larger ones adjust the HP pump and conservation pressure, I have replaced those recently as well and was able to get those pressures corrected per the WW manual.

I will check my Dema valves to make sure none are leaking by, good suggestion. I did find this rebuild kit on kleen-rite that offers Viton material instead of the standard EPDM. From the research I have done, Viton seems to be more chemically compatible with a wider range of high and low pH chemicals. Here is the link for rebuild kits if anyone is interested:

I am going to shut down the wash tonight after work to replace the motor bearings on my 25HP motor for the HP pump. I bought the wash last March and the previous owners had never once greased the bearings in the last 15 years and you can definitely tell they are shot! When I am shut down, I will check/replace all the internals on the solenoid valves. I will also check the pre-filter and post-filter for the LP pump and keep an eye out for debris. Hopefully it is something like that so I have a smoking gun and can feel confident about spending the money to purchase a new pump.

I have done some research on the LP pump and it is a special order solely for WW, so you cannot purchase overhaul kits, only a brand new pump. If I need to replace, I think I will go with a Goulds that has a standard rebuild kit available.

Thanks for the help!

Also, I am using the arch on LP1, LP2, and HP Rinse. All other functions are using the flex. Until recently I was doing my spot free with the arch, but I changed to using the flex and slowing the speed down, it seems to perform the same function without as much time spent or wear and tear on the machine, so I think I'll keep it.
I recommend sfr being put on with the arch. The flex pass on wash world equipment is a nice feature but for coverage you cannot beat the arch.

We tried applying ceramic with the flex pass and you just can’t get good coverage on the bottom half of cars using lp.

Flex is great for quick rinsing tri foam or applying something at hp conserv.
I recommend sfr being put on with the arch. The flex pass on wash world equipment is a nice feature but for coverage you cannot beat the arch.

We tried applying ceramic with the flex pass and you just can’t get good coverage on the bottom half of cars using lp.

Flex is great for quick rinsing tri foam or applying something at hp conserv.