“Why would you want baffles in the pits if you did not need them? A good system does not need baffles. Why would you want the extra expense and headaches of baffles in an underground tank that must be cleaned and pumped out regularly”
“So I guess that all these people who have been putting in baffles, all these yesrs, using many different systems, have simply been wrong. Thanks for setting us straight.”
“No they were just sold a bill of goods they did not need. There are thousands of working reclaim systems in operation without baffles. Why waste money on unneeded components?”
The other day I commented on a thread where someone was asking for advice on detailing. I came back and offered some friendly advice. Another person followed up by asked about my credentials; did I ever detail cars or own and operate a detail shop. I followed up by give a brief description that I do have lot of detail experience and I have owned and operated many different types of detail operations.
You keep trying to convince us that baffles are expensive (compared to what), that a system without baffles doesn’t need lift service on occasion to remove silt (this is not necessarily so), that people have bought a bill of goods with a system that has baffles (based on what) and why waste money on unneeded components (again, on what basis).
I believe all Mac and I are after is some type of facts or information to support your claims.
With all due respect, to do otherwise, is like trying to promote a TV sitcom that dubs laughter throughout the script to convince people that the show is funny and then the show is cancelled shortly thereafter because, in fact, it was not.