I recently switched from quarter changers to $1 High Security Tokens due to abuse of our change machines. 6 bay SS. I put up clear signs (that no-one reads) and after a few weeks all of the regular abusers left with their $20-$40 of tokens for the last time. Some actually washed their car. But what is making me scratch my head is the reaction of customers that want to use the change (Tokens) to wash their car. I've heard more F-Bombs dropped and punching of the change machine because brass tokens come out and not quarters. Some of these are regulars. These same people use all their tokens and come back 10 minutes later for more to keep cleaning/vacuuming their car. The location has someone on-site Monday through Friday and we get the occasional customer that exchanges an handfull of quarters for Tokens. My bays/vacs do not take quarters because I don't want to upgrade and have to sort them.
So what's the big deal? Any insight into the minds of my customers? Also, by the way; sales have increased 2x-3x in the first 3 months because I also increased pricing and added foam guns for tire cleaner and presoak. I've also "lost" over 1000 Tokens in 3 months due to walk-offs. Win-Win! Best decision ever for business but I don't want upset customers?
So what's the big deal? Any insight into the minds of my customers? Also, by the way; sales have increased 2x-3x in the first 3 months because I also increased pricing and added foam guns for tire cleaner and presoak. I've also "lost" over 1000 Tokens in 3 months due to walk-offs. Win-Win! Best decision ever for business but I don't want upset customers?