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Your Best Investment


New member
I've recently acquired a 4 bay self service wash. We have the basics only. Coin operated, 4 small vendors, 2 vacs, one change machine. What upgrade do you feel was the most valuable to your operation? I'm leaning towards credit card acceptors. I'm curious as to what has benefited you the most and provided the most bang for the buck.
credit cards are a must nowadays; i don't see any reason not to do that first.

i think i'd add 2 more vacuum cleaners, because with 4 bays you have the potential to max out your vacs quickly on the busy days. vacs are high profit margin equipment and very reliable, so it's hard to go wrong there.
We really need more info.
Your price points, competition, any vending etc.
I agree with Waxman on credit cards.
If you can afford it 1 carpet shampoo/vac machine.
I would look into 7" Bill Acceptor Bay Meter Box With Mars 2412U3 Bill Acceptor, Accepts $1, $5, $10 With Heavy 7 Gauge Door for $781 each in all bays from Etowah Valley.
View attachment 982I would say credit cards as well. I added them along with bill acceptors by using the add on box JMMUSTANG suggested from Etowah Valley. On that note, I recently upgraded my bays to all in one meter boxes, so I have 4 of those boxes for sale. They are already drilled for cryptopay. I had six of them, but sold two. Let me know if you are interested. I started with 4 vacs at my site. Added two right away, then later on added 2 more. Now I have 8 and they are all combo vacs. I get people that drive across town to my wash because I accept credit cards. I have now added them to all 8 vacs as well.
1. Also did the Bill accepter boxes from EV.
2. Also did Cryptopay
FWIW with 1 & 2 I did half the bays to see if it was worthwhile. In a couple of months I di the other half
3. Make 1 bay a Superbay.
4. Set up timers for Bonus Time
5. If you think traffic warrants ad Combo Vacs 1 each Fragrance and Shampoo. Have them set up with Credit Card and Bill acceptance.
6. Cameras / DVR
A picture is worth a thousand words. Upload some pics of your wash, the bays, meters, and vacs. We'll give you plenty of ideas how to spend money!
If you don't have one already I would add a HD Dvr before I spent another penny on the place. I've been buying this one...HDView 24CH Tribrid: 16 Channel 1080P AHD and 960H Cameras and 8 Channel ONVIF IP Ca... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B015RY0EW2/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_c_api_wqLIyb6B0F3JX.
You would need to add a hard drive and the cameras are $39 each but invaluable. Very cheap insurance and you will learn a lot about your customers and how they use your wash when you're not there.
“….what has benefited you the most and provided the most bang for the buck.”

Initially, high returns can be obtained from strategy and tactics that don’t require capital investment in equipment.

For example, this would include stuff like product selection, price points, service time, advertising (i.e. signage), and promotion (i.e. curb appeal, re-launch, website).
I am less than 100 miles away from you. Listen very carefully. The money you spend on your wash will have to come from somewhere else. If you wait until the carwash produces enough money for you to reinvest, it will never happen. Quarters just dont add up like they used to.

Definitely dont get crazy and borrow a stupid amount of money. Do a little at a time, and pay as you go. It might take you 5 years to get it where you want it.

After you have gotten it completely cleaned up and working,
- get some LED lights. They are pretty cheap now, and you will get your return from a lower electric bill.
-next, turn on the hot water. If you are on propane, switch to natural gas immediately.

-dont forget the QUALITY CHEMICAL ! The carwash is only as good as the chemical. If your chemicals dont work, why would anyone buy them ?? They wont. Instead they will come in, drop a few coins, and then blow out the truck bed or wash out from under the fenders and make a big ole mess of your place. Every dad burn day. Credit card readers are nice, IF you have something to sell. Your best bet is to take 158 on over to Roxboro for your chemicals. You have 2 excellent choices there.

The bays will likely NEVER make enough money to get you all excited. Im estimating max annual gross income at 50k on a great year. Probly more like 35-45 if your site is in a good spot, and you keep the stuff working at all times, and lady luck is on your side.

Now, if you have some means, and really want to be in the carwash business.....

A # 1 first priority is to get yourself a touchfree automatic if your site will stand it. There are some good used ones around. This will double your income the very first year. By doing this first, you can make enough money to make improvements on the self serve bays.

From what i have seen, carpet shampooers dont do jack in our area. Im sure they do great in some areas, but not ours. Get a vac/fragrance combo. They love it.

The success of your site has ALOT to do with management. If you spend minimal time on your wash, expect minimal return until you go out of business. Hopefully you wont lose too much money.

and FWIW, I wouldnt buy ANYTHING from Greensboro NC. you will get burned

Welcome to the carwash business !
Everything should function correctly, camera system, new decals on everything. Get a guy that does vinyl signs ...this is super cheap. Take a picture from the street and zoom in on anything you can paint or weed. Make a new sign either through a sign shop or if that's not in the budget bannersonthecheap.com.
I would strongly recommend a sign with a contact phone number or email address. "Please call or text this number, or email..." Get back to everyone that calls or emails. Builds loyalty even if you don't have all the toys other washes do, your commitment to customer service will go miles. I have customers that call the cops when someone is breaking in to a vault, selling drugs or trashing my wash while I'm not there. You take care of them, they'll take care of you.
You might also start to notice voicemails are "Hey, just so you know this doesn't work", instead of the "I'm never coming back and telling everyone."
I had great success with hand held dryers.
They sometimes spend the same or more on drying as they do washing.
If you put new meter boxes with cc. and bill acceptor, and put in hand held dryers, you won't be disappointed
For me it was changing out the gas hog 350K BTU Jarco floor heat boiler with a High Efficient Condensing 199K Demand Heater. While I was at it, I ripped out the other 350K BTU Jarco boiler for hot water and replaced with an HTP Hybrid 55 gallon Condensing 199K NG water heater. Both of these investments paid for themselves in a very short time with added bay revenue and NG savings.
If it’s the Mega Suds Car Wash at 973 Washington St. in Eden it’s going to need a lot more than just credit cards, bill validators in the bays and more vacuums. It needs more customer base, looks to me like Eden North Carolina is dying a slow death. Take a look at street view.