I'd like to get a more foamy look from my Super wash Pre-Soak. Would you guys suggest using a foam additive or just put in some 3x foam?
Which one & why?
Inject air into the soap line right before it enters a manifold or as close to the machinery as you can. Put a regulator and needle valve along with a solenoid on the air line. Adjust the pressure and flow of the air to your satisfaction. Wire the solenoid up to the same relay as runs the presoak pump.
Inject air into the soap line right before it enters a manifold or as close to the machinery as you can. Put a regulator and needle valve along with a solenoid on the air line. Adjust the pressure and flow of the air to your satisfaction. Wire the solenoid up to the same relay as runs the presoak pump.
It really is quite simple. Solenoid valve with the wires hooked up to the same wires that run your relay on your presoak pump. On that solenoid have a regulator and needle valve and then run the air line up and out to the bay and install it into the manifold going into your machine. Put a check valve on that air line as it connects to the manifold. Run it and make regulator and needle valve adjustments as needed. You'll find you'll use less presoak per car with more foam and show for the customer. When the soap coming out of the jets starts to sputter you've got too much air- back it off. That needle valve is the key. Very fine adjustments are required.
KR sells a foaming agent made by Simoniz that works really well and is inexpensive. I would buy it in Gal jugs and add to my liking. Whatever the amount of foaming agent i added i would subtract the water i would have added. Pretty simple.