anyone try trans-mates new line of express detailing products, i guess you just spray on and wipe off, just wondering how they were and if they're any good...
The only company that I know of that sells "more than just chemicals and a banner" is Simoniz. I was never impressed with the Simoniz system. I was a Simoniz detail center over 10 years ago at the full serve I ran but we were only using their wax products. Were were using a number of Trans-mate products as well as Zep (Zep 40 is really good on windows!) and Stoner tire should be looking to use a compnay that can do more than just sell you the chemicals.
I agree with this completely.Every product line has items that REALLY work and others that fall short.
That's really all customers care about; price vs quality. If you nail that, with whatever product/method, you'll get tons of repeat customers.
These days especially, I stick to what works best for me and buy in as big a quantity as I can to get a per-unit price break.