I've had a well for most of my life... I would be more concerned about drinking city water provided to me by the government
Yes its a reasonable concern, but I view it as a mechanical system not unlike the roof or the furnace - check it out before buying. A few things that come to mind regarding the well, I'd check:
- thorough water test. (I'd do that for city water too.) There is a LOT you could test for, almost all of which is fairly easily treatable.
regionally known issues: the local water treatment company usually knows, call and ask.
biologicals (obviously. Montezuma is not a friendly neighbor)
pH: for example, well water in the coal regions tends to be acidic, not good for the plumbing
hardness - softener needed?
sulfides - smells, needs to be treated
nitrogens - can be caused by farming chemical runoff into the water table, or can be naturally occurring.
- depth of the well
- recovery gpm (the well itself, not the pump.)
- condition of the pump and pressure tank