Hi Brian,
I just completed my first installation of the
Nayax VPOS Touch at my self serve car wash. I used the Pulse1 line to drive a DC relay that switches my main 24VAC line on for Count Up mode operation (standard in this area, Colorado). I also sense the
coin drops with a relay and pass those pulses as DC to the VPOS on the Pulse2 line. Having the
coin mechanism connected allows VPOS to total the cash dropped into the cash box, a first for my wash. The attributes to set up my system are attached. (If you do not see those attributes in your Pulse/ccTalk field, you can enable them using the Attributes tab. I had to set the IN2 counter to 40 to limit the "Thank You" audio response to every $10. Otherwise, it says "Thank You" with every
coin drop. Quite cordial but also distracting. That was the only kludge I had to do. I hope to learn how to disable the "Thank You" audio with
coin drops. The VPOS only reports cash to the server every $10 with this setting but that's anacceptable compromise to having no cash information reported.
I had a conversation with tech support about enabling count-down mode for cash input and count-up mode for credit input which would completely eliminate the need for a 3rd party timer (TimeMaster, Dixmor, etc.). They said that others have been looking for this type of operation and that it was "in the queue". Could be weeks, months, or longer but if we continue to request it, maybe sooner.
I am also very curious about your location where you can charge $1.25 per minute of washing! Here, the average is $0.65 to $0.75/minute. Is this an Australian Dollar .vs. US Dollar conversion? If that's the case, you're still getting $0.86 US per minute... Cheers!
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