Greg Pack
Wash Weenie
Well, we are finely are getting some smarter, more experienced thieves in our areas. My Coleman vaults with Medeco T handle locks were defeated quite quickly by some thieves. The vaults are recessed. Without getting into details I need to block the keyway with a hockey puck lock or similar. Because of the recess I don't even think I need a lock shroud (but could be wrong). Coleman sells a door retrofit kit but wondering if there is another off the shelf way to do this. I also have some other T handles that aren't recessed that will need protection, so they will need a shroud.
By the way, if you have T handle locks on your vaults, I would recommend blocking the keyway if you haven't already.
By the way, if you have T handle locks on your vaults, I would recommend blocking the keyway if you haven't already.