In the pack of screws for a electroswitch rotary switch there are 2 metal screws, what are they for? Are they possibly supposed to be used for the timed load?
They are stops to screw into the back of the switch. If you wanted to limit the number of selections, that keeps the switch from rotating 360 degrees to blank spots. For instance, you could install them in the back of an 8 position switch and limit it to 5 or whatever, in a fan pattern.
When we bought our wash there were only five functions. Eight position switches with stops put in so there was no dead spot. When took the stops out so no one could rotate the switch around. We saw that happen on our JE Adams 6-in-1 28000 combo vac with the stops in place. It got spun a little bit and was clocked incorrectly so the functions didn't match the decals.