I'm looking to change my triple foam dilution on my Air Logic triple foam. It's flowjet driven with I believe 506 hydrominders. I'm using Kleen-pak clear coat conditioner red, yellow and blue. When it was set up originally, it was set up with the soap pre-diluted 50/50 before going into the hydrominder. It had good results but it left too much room for human error. I want to get rid of all pre-dilution. Kleen-pak says on the site to use 1200/1 so I tried some ultra lean tips but then I have almost no foam and less color. So 1200/1 is clearly too lean. When it was on predilution the tip was yellow which is 90/1 on about 40 psi of air and 60 psi of air going into the flojets. Does anyone else have a flojet set up with Kleen-right triple foam?