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Erie/Hog Hair Brushes - Customers abusing brush

I use only nylon brushes in my bays. I also use them on my broomsticks to hand wash vehicles for our detail shop. If they're good enough on the nicest vehicles going through our detail shop then they're good enough for the car wash customers.

The nylon wears much better and has a much better value. your toothbrush is plastic bristled right? I think the whole hog's hair brush thing is way overrated and I think it's some thing only the car wash owners care about. My customers wash anything and everything with that foamy brush And there's no way I will spend a premium price on an animal hair brush only to see it abused by customers. I like to keep my stress level lower than that.

When I wash my Yukon I use the Nylon brushes. Much less muscle power used to scrub the vehicle down.
I use only nylon brushes in my bays. I also use them on my broomsticks to hand wash vehicles for our detail shop. If they're good enough on the nicest vehicles going through our detail shop then they're good enough for the car wash customers.

The nylon wears much better and has a much better value. your toothbrush is plastic bristled right? I think the whole hog's hair brush thing is way overrated and I think it's some thing only the car wash owners care about. My customers wash anything and everything with that foamy brush And there's no way I will spend a premium price on an animal hair brush only to see it abused by customers. I like to keep my stress level lower than that.

This makes me wonder has anybody actually tried the cloth foam brush insert that Erie makes? Cause I’m thinking that it’ll work in a similar way to how the Cloth material on a rotating cloth brush Would work, being absorbent enough to hold the lubricant and water mixture in its fibers while being flushed enough to keep dirt out of it
I use only nylon brushes in my bays. I also use them on my broomsticks to hand wash vehicles for our detail shop. If they're good enough on the nicest vehicles going through our detail shop then they're good enough for the car wash customers.

The nylon wears much better and has a much better value. your toothbrush is plastic bristled right? I think the whole hog's hair brush thing is way overrated and I think it's some thing only the car wash owners care about. My customers wash anything and everything with that foamy brush And there's no way I will spend a premium price on an animal hair brush only to see it abused by customers. I like to keep my stress level lower than that.

Waxman I agree on alot of things with you but not this one don't kill me lol. I can personally say 15 years ago when I had Nylon brushes in the self serves I used to laugh at other operators with Hoghair brushes and then I switched to Hoghair brushes and it 4x increased my brush usage and customers came up and would shake my hand thanking me for switching over literally. We would go to War if you used a Nylon brush on my 68 Camaro or even my F250 I have seen what they can do even the sound of a Nylon makes me Cringe. 🤣
Waxman I agree on alot of things with you but not this one don't kill me lol. I can personally say 15 years ago when I had Nylon brushes in the self serves I used to laugh at other operators with Hoghair brushes and then I switched to Hoghair brushes and it 4x increased my brush usage and customers came up and would shake my hand thanking me for switching over literally. We would go to War if you used a Nylon brush on my 68 Camaro or even my F250 I have seen what they can do even the sound of a Nylon makes me Cringe. 🤣
I agree. I look at the quality of brush material we offer to our customers as being in line with the quality of the soaps, waxes, warm water, spot free, etc. that we use. What I like about the boar hair is that it is extremely resistant to grease, oil and general soils just don’t stick to it . So, if a customer does go after something with the boars hair brush that might be greasy or oily, it does not transfer onto the next customer’s car that uses it. I also think that it’s a little less enticing for some people who really what to scrub something, like an abused truck bed or grill to attempt because it doesn’t have that feel of a material that “scrubs”. Im not saying they won’t try, though - but that’s where its resistance to soil is helpful. In my tunnels we abandoned traditional cloth for foam on every component because it doesn’t retain soil. Same idea with the boars hair.
It's completely useless. Imagine taking a piece of cardboard 10" wide and and accordion folding it three times and trying to scrub your paint with the folded edges. I have no idea what it's intended for, but you can't use it on a car.
Right. That material was meant to be cut into longer strips and spun on a brush core or cut to very long strips and used on a mitter. 3-4 inch lengths of cloth just gives you a petrified stub.
Waxman I agree on alot of things with you but not this one don't kill me lol. I can personally say 15 years ago when I had Nylon brushes in the self serves I used to laugh at other operators with Hoghair brushes and then I switched to Hoghair brushes and it 4x increased my brush usage and customers came up and would shake my hand thanking me for switching over literally. We would go to War if you used a Nylon brush on my 68 Camaro or even my F250 I have seen what they can do even the sound of a Nylon makes me Cringe. 🤣

68 Camaro I'd probably use the wash mitts. F2 50 nylon brush all the way
Right. That material was meant to be cut into longer strips and spun on a brush core or cut to very long strips and used on a mitter. 3-4 inch lengths of cloth just gives you a petrified stub.
Yeah, and it's stitched tightly together. Maybe if there was more material and bound inside the backing to give it more flex, but even that will only clean a flat surface. Good luck getting around mirrors or license plates.
I switched to Hoghair brushes and it 4x increased my brush usage and customers came up and would shake my hand thanking me for switching over literally. We would go to War if you used a Nylon brush on my 68 Camaro or even my F250 I have seen what they can do even the sound of a Nylon makes me Cringe. 🤣
It is all about perception. Whether tunnel or SS Nylon is as gentle as can be if lubricated properly. It's softer than a toothbrush (Which many detailers use on painted surfaces. to get in nooks and crannies) but requires continua; flushing of debris and lubrication.
It is all about perception. Whether tunnel or SS Nylon is as gentle as can be if lubricated properly. It's softer than a toothbrush (Which many detailers use on painted surfaces. to get in nooks and crannies) but requires continua; flushing of debris and lubrication.

There's practically no way clear coat loses a contact battle with a nylon bristle when lubed up, it's those pesky bits of grit ie jagged stones.
I would like to see comparison tests between nylon and hogs hair on cleaning/dulling of paint in a self serve application.

My guess is for the nylon brush, the flow rate of soap through the bristles matters. The nylon brush with a forest of ends perpendicular to the cleaning surface would develop a grit slurry in the bristles quickly without ample soap constantly pushing that dirt out. Those hogs hair brushes definitely release dirt and grit easier and don't hold that shape at the business end for buildup to form.
I would like to see comparison tests between nylon and hogs hair on cleaning/dulling of paint in a self serve application.

at least through my observations of using multiple different self-service washes, hogs hair is good As it’s gentle, but sometimes it doesn’t clean properly if You’re not putting some extra force in it, nylon cleans quite well if it’s lubricated well and flushed constantly