My claim about Harvard, especailly Harvard Law, is that a person has to be very bright and accomplished to be admitted.
My basis for the claim is that I was in high school and college education for more than four decades. I know what was required to get into Harvard. The average SAT scores were public information, (in the range of 1250 but varied some from year to year - - that's VERY bright but since the definitions of genius vary, some maybe not quite at that level, though close) I looked at the records of our students who apploed, though few did because most knew they had no possible hope of admission.
Moreover two of my four kids went there. I visited with the admissions director. My other two had no hope of acceptance. My older son graduated there and finally left after 12 years there. He was Ph.D a.b.d.
How tough is it to be elected president of the Law Review? My younger son is a lawyer (not from Harvard) and he tells me it is extremely difficult. It almost guaeantees the student his choice of jobs. Obama was that.
Let's see if he can clean up the Bush mess.
If all you were trying to point out is that not all Harvard grads got into the law school and very few of those who did, were president of their Law Review and many have had troubling records - - then I agree.
Patrick H. Crowe