Hiya, Ric:
20 grains hardness ... ouch! That's not city water, is it? You are on a well, right? Too bad our aquafir doesn't run 30 miles further south to your location. We're pulling GREAT water from our well up here ... and would never hook up to the pipeline spewing that chemical cocktail the city of Grand Rapids calls "water".
Anyway ... I know quite a few operators have tried one form of no-salt, "ion realigning", water treatment or another. Las Vegas, for example, has crappy water and the carwashers and most of the hotel/casinos there have experimented with such "technologies". I do not know of any that were at all pleased with the results.
BTW --- THANKS for sending me those photos/graphics, Ric. Look for 'em in my Spring issue on its merry way to your mailbox as I type.
The Poster Formerly Known