If you worked for Ryko you would know customer support comes from the area service department and not the factory. The factory is for service tech support.I could not agree with you more. I worked for Ryko for many years, as a service technition, service supervisor, and technical advisor and I wouldn't buy a machine from them now unless you plan on letting them work on it, they will not support you with technical info (ask DiamondWash how many times I told him I couldn't help him on the tech support line). I recently had to beg and threaten to get d-timers on a machine program that was 10 years old. If Ryko plans to stay in business they need to see what other manufacturers are doing as far as customer service goes.
I now work for a WashWorld distributor and I really like the machines.
If anyone needs D timers just ask. I will need a program number. We supply free tech help for any customer. We love customers who take the initutive to mantain their own wash, much better than those who do not care and run the wash into the ground!