I can't say much about Wendy's because I am not a Wendy's customer. But I can tell you a few things about Burger King since I was a franchisee for 27 years. When I started (1980) all but one franchisee was an owner-operator. Over the years everyone opened more and more stores. Pretty soon the former operator was no longer in his stores. I had another owner tell me the he made sure that he visited each store at least once a year ! The owners are totally disconnected and they managed the biz by the numbers - control labor, food costs, etc. to 1/10th of 1%. Consequently the people on the front line are more concerned with $ than customer satisfaction. It's one of the main reasons that I sold my 5 BK's. The situation was getting worse all the time, and I feel that eventually it will kill them. The guy who visits at least once a year bought my stores, bringing his total to 17 stores. He gets there once a year - I was in each store no less than 5 days a week, working 70-80 hour weeks and driving 65,000 miles per year to do it (L'm not not complaining). The bottom line is that the owners are out to lunch - no pun intended. Most of them couldn't even make a whopper. The other side of the
coin is the large segment of customers who are pigs. We see it in the carwash biz (mud, trash, etc.). Next time you use a fast food restroom remember this - people crap in the sinks, on the floor, outside the front
doors during the night. They pee on the floors, throw tampons in the corners, etc. If you were making $8 an hour you would probably avoid cleaning the bathrooms too. That's no excuse for dirty facilities, but it sure does affect the mentality of the employees.