Whale of a Wash said:
I don't think the ACW stores numbers, if that's true it's a non issue.. I'd wait till your processor contacts you. They sound alot like the companies that call and want to send out free state bulletins for big money.
This statement isn't entirely accurate... just because a machine doesn't store
credit card information (FYI to all, if your machine posts your cc transactions in "batches", it stores cc information) doesn't mean that PCI Compliance doesn't apply. The
credit card information still has to be passed from the card reader to the
credit card processor, which involves software in the machine at some point, whether it be the actual entry station software or the software built into the card reader. According to the PCI Security Council, PCI compliance is required for anyone that
stores, processes or transmits credit card information.
ScottV said:
credit card processor is Elavon. They sent me a letter stating that I had 90 days to become PCI compliant, or I would be subject to a $25 per month fee, per account. I tried using their online tool and cant make any sense out of the questions that they are asking.
I don't want to be disconnected on July 1st, 2010 (as RykoPro suggests) and I dont want to pay an additional $300 in fees each year per account. I guess I need to call their helpline and try to get an english speaking person to walk me through what is needed.
From the entry station perspective, as long as you're running a software version that is listed in PCI's validated payment applications list, your Access units are PA-DSS compliant. This obviously doesn't cover anything else at your locations that may touch a
credit card, but if you only have Access units, you should be able to notify your merchant provider of the software version you're running on those units so that they can cross-reference them with the list of validated payment applications on PCI's website (
https://www.pcisecuritystandards.org/security_standards/vpa/ as Randy pointed out in a previous post). If you need help with this, please give our Tech Services department a call and they can assist you.
Waxman said:
My company said to call the processor themselves and take their survey. I said no. I just switched last year and since then nothing has changed on my end so if I were pci compliant then I should still be now.
The fact that they are so quick to ask me to take the survey and not give any real answers at all when they are in the cc processing business doesn't seem right.
You may be required to, at minimum, submit a Self Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ). An SAQ needs to be submitted on an annual basis attesting to the merchant provider that you are still in compliance with the standards.