I hate to say it, but I think voting Obama out won't change much. We have a systemic problem in out political system. Very few politicians have the courage to tell the American public the truth. We're not going to be able to continue to afford government services, Social Security or Medicare in it's current form.
We all have an agenda. I went to several Tea Party rallies. Even most of the the old folks there complaining about government excess want their SS & Medicare untouched. The bulk of republican congress won't change it either. Once a politician starts telling granny she can't have her replacement titanium hip, granny votes them out for anyone that promises her a new one. I don't think we can "grow" our way out of this, and we obviously can't tax our way out of this. But we are going to continue to kick the can down the road until it is no longer possible.
The political will to change this will have to come from the people, and we aren't ready yet. I have read we have more people that get money from the government than give money to the government and if they are voters that's very a dangerous situation.