We have a 3 motor Monorail vac that trips the motor #2 breaker all the time. I have replaced the motors (they were weak), replaced the breaker, and now the coin switch. Where should I go next? Thanks in advance.
It might be a weak connection or wire. You could try swapping the motor and breaker to different positions in case one or both of the new parts was bad.
We have a 3 motor Monorail vac that trips the motor #2 breaker all the time. I have replaced the motors (they were weak), replaced the breaker, and now the coin switch. Where should I go next? Thanks in advance.
I would first like to know why was a motor week? Typicaly they either work or they don't. Now, I have not looked inside a monorail in a long time . Is it a type where each motor has it's own filter? Screen below the motor which can catch debris. If there is something impeding air flow to that one motor it could overheat and trip a breaker. Replacing the motor with curing this issue won't solve the problem.
Yeah, the motors don't normally get "weak". They may squeal from a bad bearing or not start but as long as they run they put out the horsepower rated. Anything that keeps them from running full speed full power will create enough heat to fry the motor then you are smelling burnt and it's not going. Check amperage and voltage at the motor peckerhead while the motor is running. This might be a good time to call an electrician or car wash service company.
Thank you everybody. The "weak" motors had fins wore, had previously had brushes replaced and bearing were going bad. I usually knock down the filter bags once a week and replace them with clean ones when I have to. It is a more square Monorail and a pain to change the bags. I'll keep checking things. Thanks for the feedback