I installed a new washworld Razor a few months ago and it has been running well and doing a pretty good job of washing vehicles. I do find it irratating that it doesn't have as much flexability as I would like programming wise. I wish every pass had the ability to add a time delay before the next pass on a per pass basis. It has generic time delays such as delay after hi pressure rinse, delay after presoak, etc. My issue is I run 2 HP rinse passes back to back and when I add a time delay for HP rinse it stops and sits between the 2 HP rinse passes which waste tons of time and water. My second issue, it has a mirror detailer which tilts the arch to clean the back of the mirrors. You can set the mirror detailer for any pass. I wish I could use the mirror detailer for the second HP rinse pass and not the first HP rinse pass. If I can't its pretty much useless to me, because if I use the mirror detailer on both HP passes it doesn't rinse the vehicle as well. Last of all I have an inbay dryer. The machine sends the next vehicle into the bay while the car ahead of it is in the dryer. I see people get very upset when they get the light to enter the bay and the car in front of them is still in the bay. Just wondered if anyone else found the wash package programming limited? It would be nice if washworld could add some more flexability in their next software version.