Self-Serve and Automatics
I don't own any Laserwashes but I've been through plenty. I typically go through them to compare their wash quality and 'show' to our in-bay automatics to make sure we're doing a good job. Yesterday I went through an M5 and couldn't figure out the logic behind the pass programming. The wash started at my passenger side front, went across the bumper, down the driver side, across the back then home applying presoak. We'll call this counter clockwise. It did the same for the second presoak pass as well, but then the wash reversed itself and went clockwise for the rest of the passes. Why? I've only seen this one other time at a wash near me, and when I went back to that wash it no longer did it...all passes were counter clockwise. I figured they had programmed it incorrectly and then fixed it. Can someone explain the logic? They are washing off the presoak that was most recently applied...makes no sense to me?