The topic of credit card (cc) acceptance continues to be popular among us. I installed Cryptopay in one of our self serve (ss) bays and our dog wash in Feb, 2013. At that time I promised to keep you all updated on my experience. Having reported results from the first year it is now time for the 2nd year. Bottom line is there has been no change in revenue despite the hype and conventional wisdom that customers would spend more because they weren't worried about the timer and putting in quarters etc.
We have just 2 ss bays so comparison and analysis is pretty easy and straight forward. We installed Cryptopay in only one bay and that situation remains today.
Total credit card use in ss has risen from 24% of revenue to 28% year 1 to year 2. So, a few more people are using them.
Total overall ss revenue has remained flat (just a slight increase of a few $100)
Cash remains king - cc has gone from 39% to 48% of the bay revenue year to year. (only in 2 months of 2014 did cc exceed cash) (Interesting note: our in bay automatic gets 63% credit, 37% cash)
Revenue among the bays has moved. Bay without cc generated 61% of the total revenue before cc, now generates only 52%. (Still more than the bay with cc.)
End result is we lose some profit since we have moved our cash customers to cc and now pay VISA, MC etc 3%
As far as our dog wash - same result, flat revenue (with just a slight increase) and cc use has gone from 21% to 31% year to year.
These are our actual results, not anecdotal numbers. While we have not seen an increase in revenue as everyone promised, I still think cc acceptance is a requirement for us. No increase for our wash but we didn't have a decline either. A necessary evil?
We have just 2 ss bays so comparison and analysis is pretty easy and straight forward. We installed Cryptopay in only one bay and that situation remains today.
Total credit card use in ss has risen from 24% of revenue to 28% year 1 to year 2. So, a few more people are using them.
Total overall ss revenue has remained flat (just a slight increase of a few $100)
Cash remains king - cc has gone from 39% to 48% of the bay revenue year to year. (only in 2 months of 2014 did cc exceed cash) (Interesting note: our in bay automatic gets 63% credit, 37% cash)
Revenue among the bays has moved. Bay without cc generated 61% of the total revenue before cc, now generates only 52%. (Still more than the bay with cc.)
End result is we lose some profit since we have moved our cash customers to cc and now pay VISA, MC etc 3%
As far as our dog wash - same result, flat revenue (with just a slight increase) and cc use has gone from 21% to 31% year to year.
These are our actual results, not anecdotal numbers. While we have not seen an increase in revenue as everyone promised, I still think cc acceptance is a requirement for us. No increase for our wash but we didn't have a decline either. A necessary evil?