We checked into the Cummins JetSort Bill Counter with the regional bank service company who are headquartered here in Bis-Man. We were very much interested also because we were very familiar with its ability to transfer to a database without the danger of the counting person mistyping a subtotal &/or total. It basically has the same capability that we like in our Cummins JetSort
Coin Counter. We could have possibly lived with the over $3K price tag they wanted but when the sales person insisted that we really should have a yearly service contract to the tune of over $700 per year ... we basically got cold feet. The same company sold us our Cummins JetSort
Coin Counter (over 4K initially) & for that they were not suggesting that we need it serviced every year etc. As it turns out they were right ... in over 12 years ... it has only needed very minor in house attention.
We chose to buy the same $200 bill counter about 2 years ago as you have been buying from Sam's Club. What happens when that counter starts to go out? So far any trouble we have had ... we seem to easily correct by blowing air into since the bills leave plenty of dirty residue. Our Sam's Club Counter serves our purpose well for the bills from our 6 self service car wash bays. We tend to use the three compartment bill sorter & remote audit transfer feature with each of our two Standard Bill
Changers ... so for those bills sorting & counting is less of an issue.
On the lighter side
... this morning during the bank deposit while I waited & watched while the head teller processed the bills ... she said that the counter (a Cummins JetScan Bill Counter) seemed to have trouble reading the ones towards the end of her count. I blurted out that maybe it had something to do with how the the declaration was changed of the $1 bill's average life from 13 months to 56 months within a year's span ... somewhat AT HER & HER MACHINE'S expense. I was surprised when she actually could not help to chuckle & chuckled even further when I added "there might be a need for some truth serum"!!! I honestly am not making this up.
mike walsh