I can relate to what you’re saying. There’s no getting around it and I don’t say this lightly, self serve car washes are nothing more than a magnet for the scum of society. Now that we have cameras I can’t believe things that go on at the car washes when it’s dark or there’s no one around, it’s disgusting the things that go on. This is what has going this last week, Drug deals, people in digging in the garbage cans or dumping out can looking for that special treasure, household garbage dumpers, carpet cleaners dumping their waste water, guy’s urinating on the back
door, a guy puking on the
door at 2:45am, a guy on a bicycle breaking into trash
doors on the vacuums for loose change at 1:50am. So far this year I’ve had the police at the car wash more often than the Super Walmart down the street has. I’ve got better video than they do. Basically all we are, is a place for society to come and wipe there a$$. The car wash business wouldn't be bad business if it wasn't for the customers. I think I'll have 3 fingers of the good stuff now.