aca carwash 2
are there any quality friction washes who's top wash will clean a car in under 3 minutes
I wouldn't try to sell a "top wash" package that is under three minutes, but since you can customize the wash packages you should be able to make your top wash as quick as you need it.
I think the premise behind the question is wrong. Most automatics offer a two step chemical, triple foam, regular and deluxe wax, wheel cleaner, spot free, and blow dry. I just don't see all that in under three minutes. Think of it as you do getting a hair cut. No one likes to wait long for their turn in the chair. But when you do get in the chair, it's hey, slow down, take your time and do a nice job. I used to go to a barber that I swear was practicing for the Guinness record of fastest time. He did a reasonable job in under 2 minutes. I felt cheated. If you want to cut the time in half for your top wash, just get 2 machines and you'll double your throughput.