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Recent content by Dan kamsickas

  1. D

    Inherited CarWash with purchase of a lube shop

    I wish more operators and dealers would accept this. Too many times it's taken as divine word and it's not. It's like the energy star ratings on appliances. If you really believe that new fridge is only going to cost $60 a year to run, I've got some ocean front property that you would probably...
  2. D


    We got a notice from Pentair mid-year last year. For the life of me I can't find the stupid thing. Shortly after that they sent out another notice that they were scaling back who they would sell direct to.
  3. D

    Ginsan weep mizer upgrade

    This is how you wire in the Weepmizer to our systems.
  4. D

    New Business Opportunity / Need Input

    Unfortunately, pay to use public toilets are still illegal in much of the US. Even if they weren't I doubt these same upstanding individuals would actually use them. Maybe post these pictures on every social media site you have asking for a reward and create a wall of shame behind some...
  5. D


    I've had a number of conversations over the last few years with people who've bought old, antiquated washes and have no clue what they've gotten themselves into would be sad if I wasn't so old and jaded. Freaking youtube scam artists.
  6. D

    Seeking Guidance: How to Start a Company Building Self-Service Car Wash Systems?

    Yeah, heard a lot of similar things on show floors but in reality they really weren't used that much by those who installed it. Similar to the Hourmaster that we used to build. Looked really cool on the show floor but in practicality, rarely if ever looked at. We obsoleted those 15+ years ago...
  7. D

    Seeking Guidance: How to Start a Company Building Self-Service Car Wash Systems?

    We actually had a data collection system years ago called the Datamate. Nearly all connections were made in the equipment room. You could generate some very informational reports on revenue, function usage, etc. Pretty slick system for the early 2000s............................and I don't think...
  8. D

    Self serve issue

    What kind of Ginsan stand? What kind of meter boxes?
  9. D

    Seeking Guidance: How to Start a Company Building Self-Service Car Wash Systems?

    Comparing those keypads to what you you suggested with a keypad is apples to bowling balls. Like I said before, it's not just the environmental it's the human interaction and humans suck.
  10. D

    Seeking Guidance: How to Start a Company Building Self-Service Car Wash Systems?

    We've looked at various things like that. Even controlling functions from the gun. The problem is the harsh environment and human interaction. I estimate something like what you are describing would have a life span measured in weeks, at best.
  11. D

    Inherited CarWash with purchase of a lube shop

    Agreed on the chlorine testing. From what's been posted I would be surprised if the carbon filter was any good. Also, the DI unit needs to find a convenient dumpster. We've been seeing good performance from the Global Axios membranes over the last several years. I don't think I should post...
  12. D

    Inherited CarWash with purchase of a lube shop

    If they sold you 90% membranes for the water you had there they're not just morons, they're dishonest. $400 each for that crappy membranes is crazy
  13. D

    Gin San GS-44 Over Pulse-ing… overpaying

    Now to sound sardonic, but 15-20 years lifespan in a car wash bay isn't bad. I would replace it with either a Microcoin QL or Slugbuster III
  14. D

    Inherited CarWash with purchase of a lube shop

    Cheap sounds familiar. I've had a lot of sites where soft, non-spot free water was plumbed into the spot free tank because either A) The RO unit wasn't spec'd out big enough to keep up with demand and/or B) the RO unit wasn't working correctly so it couldn't keep up. IMHO, doing that is lying to...