Search results

  1. MudMoney

    What Would Thomas Jefferson Think

    Thomas Jefferson penned the Declaration of Independence. Ten years later, while the Constitution was being written in Philadelphia, Jefferson was Ambassador to France and had the opportunity to spend long hours studying the history of governments and thinking about the future of our knew United...
  2. MudMoney

    ideas on upgrading t&e cleaner

    My current system has the solenoids and g57 flojet in the pumproom.I want to speed up the delivery time to the bays .Delivery is through the hp wand.Currently using 3/8 od poly tubing as supply lines from a float tank.Ideas on a faster system would be appreciated
  3. MudMoney

    Car Wash Insurance

    Can you help us? We have been looking for a insurance company that will insure our carwash. The problem that we are having is that we live in the building that our carwash is in. We have already tried the insure center in Joplin Missouri and The go for either of these. Thanks...
  4. MudMoney

    back up heat

    I would like to hear from members who run an auxiliary heat source in their equipment room. I currently use my boiler as my main heat source switching to a forced air when I shut down due to extreme cold of zero and below. Do any of you use back-up heat system and what type?
  5. MudMoney


    I am in the beginning stages of remodeling my three bay shop adjacent to my three bay SS. I will be expanding to an in-bay automatic. I haven't decided on a particular brand yet due to the closest distributer being five hours away. What I would like to do is buy some blue prints for a D&S 5000...
  6. MudMoney

    Sand Blast Kits

    I would like to know if anyone has tried using a sand injector kit to sandblast a vehical in a car wash bay. If so, did you use one of the sand injector kits offered by a car wash distributor and did it work for removing paint? Any suggestions would be appriciated. :D