Search results

  1. pitzerwm

    Bye Bye 1st amendment

    It's very simple, every dictator was allowed to take away the rights of the people one by one. "For your own good". It always happened right after the 5th step to dictatorship, indifference.
  2. pitzerwm

    Startup Operating Capital

    I would say 2.7x what you think you need:o)
  3. pitzerwm

    dvr camara system

    In WA, the law says "to record audio, both(all) parties need to know" That is why all banking/etc tell you up front that "this call might be recorded" IMO, audio at a car wash isn't of much value. What I found of value is the ability to talk to a customer. I had vibration detectors on...
  4. pitzerwm

    Bye Bye 1st amendment
  5. pitzerwm

    How You Can Skip the Health Club Membership
  6. pitzerwm

    A clever advertising gimmic
  7. pitzerwm

    Amazing Rescue
  8. pitzerwm

    dvr camara system

    Mike, I don't know. The DVRs have an alarm feature, but I never used it. Even though I have 16 cameras out, there are only 4 alarm outs. Its a relay, so you could try it.
  9. pitzerwm

    dvr camara system

    If you are talking Zmodo, you go to the alarm section and set the area that will trigger the recording/ Call me if you need to.
  10. pitzerwm

    dvr camara system

    You can get by without the proxy service. The Zmodo is set up to reboot itself from time to time, (that can change the ip of the DVR) I cancelled that. My IP doesn't change very often, so you can set it up yourself, with a wizard's help maybe. If you have a computer at the wash, set up...
  11. pitzerwm

    Holy crap, batman

  12. pitzerwm

    Holy crap, batman

    Mike email them to me and I'll cut and paste them in.
  13. pitzerwm

    More Gas Mileage
  14. pitzerwm

    intelio/actvia entry system

    Mi, you might also want to use the Customer Reviews to get your message out.
  15. pitzerwm

    19-things-you need-to-know-about-facebooks-new-pages
  16. pitzerwm

    The ABCs of Entrepreneurship

    This is from Harvey Mackay, I think that you will find value too.
  17. pitzerwm

    Updating front load washers

    I had Wascomats, I think was the name, Italian I think, no problems with them.
  18. pitzerwm

    dvr camara system

    I and another Forum guy got Zmodo, IMO you can throw away their cameras and get some better speced ones. Here the link where we discuss the setup and how to make it work on the internet and smartphone/tablet.
  19. pitzerwm

    Updating front load washers

    Don't buy a Maytag if its free, this machine is what took them out.