Search results

  1. pitzerwm

    Good Deals on a DVR

    Well, CCTVHOTDEALS apparently is run by amateurs, They took my order and charged my credit card, then demanded a credit card application and photo id, saying that PayPal, (which I didn't use, I called in to make the order) said that I couldn't be verified. I checked my PP account and all is...
  2. pitzerwm

    Vehicle GPS Systems

    Here is something that everyone might want.
  3. pitzerwm

    Good Deals on a DVR

    Thanks to Don K, I decided on a Zmodo DVR-H9216UVDH. The only problem is that is that they are so far behind the curve that they can't accept a credit card without you filling out a credit card application and send them pictures of your drivers license.
  4. pitzerwm

    Interesting and fun links Living on the edge Tango in the Sky
  5. pitzerwm

    Sludge Pump

    The smart thing is to place it someplace where it can dry out THEN take to the dump.
  6. pitzerwm

    carolina pride immersion heater

    What I've seen is just a regular hot water heater element.
  7. pitzerwm

    istobal problems

    My only comment is that you will probably never see them as a Forum sponsor.
  8. pitzerwm

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays
  9. pitzerwm

    New to this...

    I agree that sometimes the info is "totally wrong", but instead of just stating that it is a "lie", one could say IMO (in my opinion) "I have found this to be the case"
  10. pitzerwm

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas to all of you and thanks for making the Forum, the best
  11. pitzerwm

    New to this...

    To Indiana and Keven and everyone. We all have different slants on the same issue, when we allow/force ourselves to "take a look" that is how we all get smarter. There is ALWAYS at least a snippet of truth (new idea) in any position. That is what makes this Forum one of the most successful on...
  12. pitzerwm

    Good Deals on a DVR

    My DVR died, so I'm looking for a replacement. I'm not interested in a computer card. I also don't want a cheap china one. What I have so far: 16 channels, 500GB HHD min. Internet, smartphone, CMS software. Rugged-CCTV, $725 + shipping IC Realtime Max16, $900 no HD Zmodo, DVR-H9106UVD-SV $355
  13. pitzerwm

    Barbarians at the gate

    Let's keep this discussion civil and it will stay. This area "Just About Anything" is for the discussion of other subjects. Exchanging ideas and opinions are usually helpful and useful. Agreement or disagreement should not produce any bashing.
  14. pitzerwm

    New to this...

    If it isn't a run down dump and you do take care of it, you will success, get rich, maybe:)
  15. pitzerwm

    Programmable Relay or PLC

    2Biz, This is a good idea, I have a couple in the Library, under presentations, but I can create something that will help everyone. there are lots of uses and fun with these units.
  16. pitzerwm

    Just cool stuff

    Sugar Plum Fairy by P.Tchaikovsky - Glass Harp LIVE (HD) Miniatur Wunderland *** official video 2012 *** largest model railway / railroad of the world What A Wonderful World With...
  17. pitzerwm

    Delta app to track checked bags
  18. pitzerwm

    Email fraud threatens even the savviest users: Don't get complacent
  19. pitzerwm

    New to this...

    Welcome CD, be sure and check out the Library where you find many articles and other useful info.
  20. pitzerwm

    Salute to the Armed Forces