Search results

  1. pitzerwm

    New Car door Idea
  2. pitzerwm

    Great Driving
  3. pitzerwm

    Are we 12000 years old?
  4. pitzerwm

    Magic Trick
  5. pitzerwm

    Dollar Bill Validators

    To find anyone here, use search in Nav bar, do advanced and type in their handle.
  6. pitzerwm

    Customer claims we took money from car

    Who gives sn 8 year old a kid $70, and he's walking around with it in his hand. I'd tell her that you reviewed all of the security tapes and you don't see any money. Its a sad state, but installing cameras everywhere is necessary. I took my car to a body shop and later had a question about...
  7. pitzerwm

    Quote of the Week

    Cats "As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows, cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the human kind. - Cleveland Amory "I believe cats to be spirits come to earth. A cat, I am sure, could walk on a cloud without coming through." - Jules Verne...
  8. pitzerwm

    SECWA show in Orlando

    Will someone that has a connection with the SECWA suggest that they redo their website, one to include the Forum and another to provide a way to communicate with them. I was going to make them aware of this thread, and there is no place on their site to do that. OR at least I couldn't find it.
  9. pitzerwm

    A 2010 Census map
  10. pitzerwm

    An Interesting site
  11. pitzerwm

    Maybe You shouldn't try this
  12. pitzerwm

    just a boy & his dog
  13. pitzerwm

    Employee Accountability Enhancement

    slightly on point, when I ran a check cashing business, as you can imagine, on the 1st, we were always slammed. I developed procedures and insisted that the employee learned my procedure before trying their ideas. You can speed up a procedure, you can not speed up random. Franchises are...
  14. pitzerwm

    Cute Quotes above

    I know that we all get "blind" when something is always there. Above you will notice that there are two search options actually there are three. There is a pretty decent search in the NAV BAR, then in the section avove this post are two Google searches the top one searches, just the whole...
  15. pitzerwm

    Heated fooring for winter months

    Others have poured a new 2" floor with the heat in it and some rebar, which will solve your problem without a lot of expense.
  16. pitzerwm

    Code 14

    Which machine?
  17. pitzerwm

    Floor Heat Dilemma

    When I had my wash, I had the tankless heaters for both the bays and the floor heat. This has been discussed here before.
  18. pitzerwm

    Best Laid Plans Move the "thing" to one minute, 45 sec.
  19. pitzerwm

    Long Trucks
  20. pitzerwm

    Graffiti Removal Suggestions for FRP Boards

    If you notice in the small print, I dropped the "F", my bottle is called Goo Off.