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  1. pitzerwm

    Super Super Glue

    Glue has been sent I sent out the orders today that I had received checks for. Greg and Scott V, yours I have not. The rest of you that haven't seen the video, what are you waiting for?
  2. pitzerwm

    Sharia Law info, just in case you had some doubts

    Seattleguy, this statement is quite a stretch I must of missed where the raped woman agrees to be stoned to death with small stones, to save the honor of her family. Or where there is an agreement that the man can kill or mutilate his wife because she pi$$ed him off. Tell us that you are...
  3. pitzerwm

    New Vendor on Way - What Items 2 Stock?

    Earl, why not do a review on Custom Freshners?
  4. pitzerwm

    Your Driveway Competition

    When you click on this the video will download to your hard-drive.
  5. pitzerwm

    WashWorld Razor

    sproket, you need to do a review!!!
  6. pitzerwm

    Etowah valley?

    Ibspuds, you should do a review for Etowah
  7. pitzerwm

    Tow Truck Driver of the Year

    I think if you give him the rules up front, you shouldn't have any issues.
  8. pitzerwm

    Are flojets self priming?

    No Gravity feed necessary
  9. pitzerwm

    A little bit of humor to start or end your day

    On my way home one day, I stopped to watch a Little League baseball game that was being played in a park near my home. As I sat down behind the bench on the first- base line, I asked one of the boys what the score was 'We're behind 14 to nothing,' he answered With a smile. 'Really,' I said...
  10. pitzerwm

    Tax break questions?

    the investment tax is an immediate write off on purchases, (I assume delivered, but install isn't considered) made by the year in. I looked in my Schedule C and since I haven't bought any equip. It doesn't come up. Look in your 1120's I believe that it was up to $200K, but I think Obama is...
  11. pitzerwm

    Cavitation in one bay

    It's called good trouble shooting.
  12. pitzerwm

    Screwy Weep Temp reading?!

    You might want two sensors, one inside and one outside to see how close they are. You screw up and you have a frozen place.
  13. pitzerwm

    Leasing a closed Wash

    Most of us won't lease the land, anyway, I think that most of us won't lease. I sure won't. In your case unless the lease is dirt cheap, which I doubt, I wouldn't touch it. You kill yourself and have to walk away. Why bother. If you could get a 20 year with a 20 renewal, then you might have...
  14. pitzerwm

    traffic counts

    Call your city they will tell you who does it.
  15. pitzerwm

    Sales Tax Permit

    You need to call your Dept. of Rev. and ask. You might not to use your real name, or you probably will find others from TX if that is where you are from, as each state has their own taxes. there are a lot of BS regs, don't screw it up, the fines are not worth it.
  16. pitzerwm

    A French TV Advertisement

    Finally something that the French have done that we can appreciate.
  17. pitzerwm

    The new Health Care

    I did not know this of course, as most of America including most that voted for it, and it turns out that it was actually hidden in the Stimulus Bill. This is a pdf that one of the government sub contractors here have sent out to their people to...
  18. pitzerwm

    NRCC convention in Atlantic City

    It was fun, for sure, at least it was only cold not Damn cold. I'd like to go to the Kleen-Rite deal, but I'm a little traveled out.
  19. pitzerwm

    Revenue Enhancer's

    Buzz, IMO you are putting too much faith that your customers will be upset about token. When we changed the few that even mentioned it, I explained that the vandalism would be reduced and that would save them moeny down the road. They agreed and that was it.
  20. pitzerwm

    Anyone using instant water heaters for floor heat?

    I think the 10gal electric water heater, would be a good idea in light of the few days needed, efficiency really wouldn't be an issue either.