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  1. S

    which float valve is better?

    the bottom 1 is actually a Watts,& says so with a stamp. IIRC, they both have a model that looks very similar....? So, what's kind of the boards general consensus...?
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    Bought a used wash.

    Yeh, text me
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    Bought a used wash.

    Dude, what's wrong w/ that Superior dryer on the ground?
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    1 more IBA menu pricing question

    Good advice guys. Wax, i hand prep @ the other wash, not this one. I will NEVER hand prep again! Juice is not worth the squeeze! Since no hand prep, no way I can double all prices. I am now thinking more $9, $11, $13...
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    1 more IBA menu pricing question

    Replacing a LW360, which does grest, w/ a Razor Edge. Pricing now is $7,$9 & $10. $7 = 7%, $9 = 7% $10= 86% Town is somewhat high % of avg to low income. I'm thinking $8, $10 & $12. Thoughts are: will customers continue w/$10 out of habit, or convenience of a $10 bill? We're about 65% Credit...
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    Opinions needed on Tradeshows

    I went to SWCA in FtW & it was great. However, it was 75% slanted towards tunnels.
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    Help for a Noobie - Number of vehicles, Spend per vehicle?

    I did exactly this, on my newest purchase, May 2021. Was VERY helpful, & lemme know they were very honest. Which can't be said many times in carwash biz.
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    Zips carwash(tunnel / express)

    Layman's terms....what'd you just say?🤔🤪
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    Reducing demand charges

    Well, my yearly electric cost is $8100, so we may not save that much! Van u come to Texarkana, Tx & gimme a hand?
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    Power-Shine Pro Powered by Simoniz

    Literally know nothing about either one
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    Strange issue with Washworld Razor

    Dude...that is tough, mate. Brass balls for putting in a carwash there...
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    Poke holes in this Touchless wash pkg

    What part of country are you in? Are you crazy busy (get a Petit), pretty busy (Oasis i5), or kinda busy (WW Profilenor Ryko SoftGloss)
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    Kris Oliver PDQ

    He did, thanks
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    Poke holes in this Touchless wash pkg

    3x foam is on top pkg now, & will be on top pkg when I pit in new Razor. Going from $10 up to $12 on top pkg. Other 2 pkgs $7 & $9, going to $8 & $10 (& $12)
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    Poke holes in this Touchless wash pkg

    Undercarriage 2 passes PS (AP Formulators) 10 sec dwell 3x foam (ColorGuard 3xPolish- Quest) Hp rinse, w/ an extra swath across the front Lava Wax / Rain Bair (Shine On- Quest) Drying Agent (All Dri -- Quest) SFR (3:30 total) exit to outside dryers 50 secs
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    Nozzles on WashWorld Razor/Profile

    Like this idea! But if so much better up top, why not the entire "L" ?
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    LW360 Abort wash state 212

    Got a few emails just now: Abort wash State 212, pkg 1 cycle 4, arch lost position Could that be a sheer pin, bad prox...? Should i call a Service Tech out? Gonna be best weekend, in over a month!!!😰😥
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    Kris Oliver PDQ

    Please check your messages
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    Who cares?!!🤪 @ $20/car you have 7 minute top pkg is still $160/hr!!! I have never seen an IBA do $20 price points. Unreal
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    My thoughts exactly. But, if there's a good reason for 3/4 passes, i wanna hear ya...