Search results

  1. S

    comparison: Stinger "Storm Shield" vs. Rain X, etc...

    We dont have Quest, yet, in Texas.
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    Best SS wax from KR

    What's the best SS hp Wax you guys have used from Kleen Rite? I have used Just Peachy & it works great. Only problem is it can leave a strange green tinted water, on the car, that literally looks just like anti-freeze. I have noticed a couple other guys complain about this same issue (thank...
  3. S

    comparison: Stinger "Storm Shield" vs. Rain X, etc...

    I got it I figured there would be 5 or 6 guys who have used Storm Shield...?
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    comparison: Stinger "Storm Shield" vs. Rain X, etc...

    Has anyone on here used Stinger's "Storm Shield" , & if so, what are your thoughts? If you don't wanna talk publicly, maybe text me 409)200-4667
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    Laser wash 4000 sonars

    I'll check mine, but twill be another 24 hrs b4 I can. Ask TDl, Thomas or a few others on here. Or Wes, in san Antonio...
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    What is the strangest thing...

    uhmmm yeh. We have 2 funeral homes nearby, & both wash @ my wash. They do not wash body parts into the bays, that would be death to their business..& mine!
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    What is the strangest thing...

    Hearst Horses Cows We country...
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    Need to add grease zerk on hard

    Could I use a poly tube, with a push fitting?
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    Need to add grease zerk on hard

    What about the tube?
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    Need to add grease zerk on hard

    I discovered my grease zerk for 1 of my rollers is shot. I need to add another one. How hard is that? Do I have to go through a distributor, or can I just make one...?
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    new Cube spinlite IBA?

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    Tax deductions

    more good advice from this thread & members...
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    Tax deductions

    Anything I am missing, besides the standard deductions? I can also deduct mileage, because I am a coach. Our tax guy died, & our new guy is NOT very savvy...
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    House Hold Trash

    better question is anybody DOES NOT have trash as a problem?!!
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    How many guys have 2 IBA's?

    SO, what am I missing guys? My figures are quite a bit off from Soapy & Thomas'....
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    Is anyone out there using C K Enterprises soap

    what are y'all talkin about?
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    How Long with the Same Soap Vendor ?

    MEO, I have heard a couple guys in Dallas area switch from Scotch Plaid recently. said they were not customer friendly at all, & 1 guy said he was treated horribly after many years (& even gave em a 2nd chance). I am NOT knocking them, just telling stories I got 1st hand...
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    Purchasing of 2 washes, hit a snag. anyone can read contracts?

    No environmental tests. Never heard of those in this area. Not assuming his corporations either. I'm just buying 2 carwashes
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    How many guys have 2 IBA's?

    $180,000 @ 5% for 5 years= $3500 / mo. So, stands to reason your need to gross about $4000 to break even. So, you'd need to wash about 14 cpd @ $8/wash would get it done. That seems very attainable. Am I missing something?