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  1. C

    Car dealership automatics

    My local Chrysler Dodge dealership just installed a new Ryko Radius.
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    Anyone using LPR license plate readers?

    My whole system cost me about $7,000 IIRC. I installed it myself with help of my attendant over the course of a week and saved $5,000. The quote was $12,000. I have a dealer account so my prices were closer to wholesale. I have all 4MP turret cameras. I have two Hikvision PTZ/motion...
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    IBA dryers

    I have older Ryko OHD dryers in my IBA's Although some people don't like them, I've been through many EE and other tunnels along with various IBA's and am convinced that my setup coupled with the drying agent I'm using dries just as good as any.
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    TAP debit and credit card options

    Does Nayax have any way to implement some form of reward/loyalty program?
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    I am armed while at my car wash

    3 guys attack me I'm fearing for my life and will respond accordingly.
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    Cush-A-Claw fittings

    Mine are TapCon’d in . They used the green painted normal channels you find at Home Depot/Lowes. After 12 years they are looking terrible!
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    Cush-A-Claw fittings

    I've been considering the same as the ones in my IBA's are looking rough. Are you planning on changing the channels too?
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    wow, has Sonny's changed

    Have you been to South Florida?
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    Autec thoughts...?

    I'm not the typical consumer.
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    Autec thoughts...?

    if I replace my Radius and SoftGLoss it would be with a Petit 36o and Flex5
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    Autec thoughts...?

    Flex 3,5?
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    Anyone using LPR license plate readers?

    I have 20 cameras at my site. 16TB of storage. I can pick plates day/night with a sub $500 trail cam with the right settings. Heck, there are guys on the forums doing the same with $100 cams off alibaba.
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    Anyone have a crimping tool / machine for HP hose?

    Been thinking about one. Mostly to keep down time to a minimum. I know the assembled hoses will likely cost the same or less, but I like have the means to repair things as quickly as possible. Do any of you guys own one? What are the good brands to look for? Thanks
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    I started feeling like a carwash owner today.

    I have a BC 1400 that is annoying to say the least. I also have a Standard Bill Changer BCX1010RL that I'm happy with for the most part. What is the changer(s) people would want to consider in replacing these problematic Rowe's?
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    Anyone using LPR license plate readers?

    Sonny's system is $11K and $125/mo. Do you really have the problems to justify a cost like this?
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    Anyone using LPR license plate readers?

    I think there is some confusion between LPC ( License Plate Capture ) where the camera is specifically set up for capturing pics of license plates in any light condition. LPR ( License Plate Recognition ) uses software to read and log/ID customers via their license plate. This relies on a...
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    Cyber Monday camera systems

    If anyone is needing a good system, I'd pull the trigger on the 16ch 4K system with 10 4K cameras and 3TB. $999.99 - 25% it seems.
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    WashWorld E-Chain and HP Hose

    Not sure how the chain is on the Razor but I just did this on my Radius. I had the chain "open" in less than 10 mins. If you do go this route I'd hit the locking tabs on the chain with some WD40 prior to disassembly
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    Removing vacuum decals

    What do you guys use to polish the vacuums? For decals check out STA Graphics. Ivonne does great work and their prices are reasonable!
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    Ryko SoftGloss retro bug remover

    I believe the previous owner of my wash was injecting some kind of bug remover ( What my chem distributor said from his memories from dealing with the previous owner ) into the rocker panel blasters as you enter my Soft Gloss. I never used it .